Beautiful when it does!

Senin, September 01, 2008

heiii my new blog!

hei everybody!

It's me Lidya. yeah you can call me lido or lidya. it's same for me.. lido. where i got this name? actually, my best friend Anggie Yosifia Simangunsong (hhe) give it to me. She call me Lido since July 2007. Thanks nggie i "lush" you.

Yeah I lush (love) my bestfriend. they are my important thing in my life after Jesus and my family. Jessica, Anggie and Anty yeah they fill my life.

Hmm okay.. I create this blog for do what i want, find new friend, and a true love,hhihi :) or maybe i can be a writer kyk pengarang2 buku yg lagi ngetrend,hhe.

I love concert so muchh. kalo ada yg suka concert just share it with me!! I love to sing! even my voice SUCKS! and of course i love music! I like rock, punk, pop, trance, emo etc. If anyone like music, LETS TALK ABOUT IT! okok that's all from me (TODAY) see yaa..

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